Cowboy Academy


Keri VanDyke
(406) 402-7359


Kara Baker
(406) 278-5620

Authorized Representative

(406) 278-5521

Cowboy Academy is our District's out of school time program. This program is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers federal grant. The overall goal of the program is to provide an array of enrichment services intended to reinforce and complement the regular academic program and meaningful family engagement opportunities outside of school time. This program enables us to offer a FREE out of school time program that includes: a nutritious snack, homework help, physical fitness activities, and disguised learning (academic enrichment: arts, sciences, career exploration, hands-on-learning, etc.).

Cowboy Academy @ Meadowlark School

WHO: Grades K-3 

WHEN: Mondays - Thursdays from 3:15-5:15 PM (Begins 9/18/23 and ends 5/23/24)

WHERE: @ Meadowlark School

WHAT: Registration Form

TEACHERS: Site Coordinator and K-1 grades - Hallie Schultz; 2-3 grades Helen Shafer

CONTACT: (406) 278-5620

Cowboy Academy @ Utterback School

WHO: Grades 4-6

WHEN: Mondays - Thursdays from 3:15-5:15 PM (Begins 9/18/22 and ends 5/23/24)

WHAT: Registration Form

TEACHERS: Site Coordinator and 4-6 grade - McKayla Botsford; Homework Help Quindee Averill

CONTACT: (406) 278-3227

Cowboy Academy @ CHS

WHO: Grades 7-12

WHEN: Mondays - Thursdays from 3:15-5:15 PM


  • Helen Bingaman for Homework Help and various activities

  • Matthew Sekerak for Creative Art activities

  • Monica Tomayer for Science Olympiad and STEAM activities

  • James Briggs for E-Sports

CONTACT: (406) 278-3285